Thursday, May 31, 2007
Colored water photos: Water figures 2007
"The most beautiful photo you will see today."
Pixelmator: Image editing for Mac OS X
"Pixelmator, the beautifully designed, easy-to-use, fast and powerful image editor for Mac OS X has everything you need to create, edit and enhance your images."
All Things Digital: VIDEO: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 1 of 7
"In their rare joint appearance at All Things Digital 5, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates discuss their contributions to the technology industry, the qualities they most respect in one another, and former Apple CEO Gil Amelio’s seamanship."
Coding Horror: Let's Build a Grid
"Khoi Vinh, the design director for the New York Times, explains how essential grids are to web design in his SXSW presentation with Mark Boulton, Grids Are Good (Right?).
So much web design work relies on establishing a grid and the constraints on that grid: ad sizes, display size, browser display area minus chrome, and so forth. Grids are, quite literally, everywhere. But learning how to effectively utilize grids-- without becoming a slave to them-- can make the difference between a competent layout and a great layout.
The case study in the presentation (pdf) is Yahoo!, which offers "rudimentary but unimaginative use of grid". The redesign, Yeeaahh!, offers a more flexible and interesting grid alignment that feels less like a
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
UX Magazine: Abundance and UX
"I spent some time this weekend listening and thinking about Chris Anderson’s talk from PopTech! . Chris is looking to move beyond the Long Tail and is focusing on the notion of what happens when you look at the world through a lens of abundance rather than the classic Adam Smith economic model of scarcity."
Monday, May 28, 2007
zen habits: Handbook for Life: 52 Tips for Happiness and Productivity
"This is something I’ve been wanting to write for some time — a Handbook for Life. Now, is there any handbook that can be a guide to every single person? Of course not. This is just a list of tips that I think will help many people in life — some of them common-sense tips that we often forget about. Consider this guide a reminder."
The tale of Firefly and the reverse culture shock
"I had spent one full year living in Japan. I had battled with cultural shocks, I had battled my own pre-conceived ideas about life and culture. I had sat on a crowded train carriage, to look around and notice I was the only foreigner around. I had 1 year of ups and downs and sideways curves. 1 year of struggling with the language, and just plain struggling to fit in. 1 year of stress and problems at work caused by Bill and Shane. I wasn’t yet ready to leave Japan, but god was I ready to go back home for a holiday."
Sunday, May 27, 2007
OS X Addition: WiFind 1.1
"Shows you if wireless networks are locked or unlocked and their signal strength - right in the airport menu. It’s a tiny lightweight plugin for OS X that makes connecting to reliable wireless networks quicker and easier. Whether you’re at home, the office or at your favorite cafe - WiFind will help you locate a signal and start browsing!"
New York Times: Apple’s Lesson for Sony’s Stores: Just Connect
"RETAIL is supposed to be hard. Apple has made it seem ridiculously easy. And yet it must be harder than it appears, or why hasn’t the Windows side of the personal computer business figured it out?"
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Abuzeedo: Creating a new Business Card
"This week I had to create a new Business card for my company, ZEE. I have to say, this sort of work, like creating a business cards, is not as easy as some people think. Actually it’s pretty hard to condense our business to a size of a business card."
Friday, May 25, 2007
5ThirtyOne: Rich HTML email signatures straight from Gmail
"One of the benefits of using a dedicated email application like Apple Mail or Mozilla Thunderbird is the ability to send emails which included rich HTML signatures. These email signatures are easily recognizeable and often include hyperlinks, images, or a combination of the two. Although Gmail users could easily access their accounts via POP allowing for HTML emails, web-based users 20 WordPress Themes That Don't Disappoint
" We’ve compiled a list of 20 WordPress themes you might have missed, or that deserve a second look. All the themes are free to download from You can get a look at all 20 after the jump…"
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
456 Berea St: Creating bulletproof graphic link buttons with CSS
A CSS problem I have been wrestling with lately is how to create a bulletproof shrinkwrapping graphic button. By that I mean an image-based button that will expand and contract to fit the amount of text it contains. It is a very useful technique for CMS-driven sites that allow the client to change the text that is displayed on buttons, as well as for multilingual sites.
A successfull bulletproof image-based button should:
- Automatically grow horizontally to fit any amount of text
- Grow horizontally and vertically if text size is increased or if the text wraps to multiple lines
- Retain its appearance within reasonable limits
- Be able to have rounded (or other non-square) corners
- Have no unclickable areas
- Be readable when images are disabled"
download squad: Dear Adobe, what the hell happened to you?
"Adobe has slowly been adding to that chip on many people's shoulders for some time now, and lately they seem to be upping their game. Certainly, comments from their CEO like "our customer is not typically price sensitive" don't help matters, but it seems that even the very software their company is so well known for is beginning to suffer from poor, nay - dreadful - design and management."
Freelance Switch: 34 Places to Get Design Inspiration - Online and Off
"Everyone who hasn’t encountered designer’s block, raise your hand. Just as I thought. Well then, chances are you could use some places to get inspiration for those days when the pixels aren’t aligned and your mouse finger isn’t clicking like it should. We’ve compiled a list, online and off to serve up everything from logos to icons to art to fashion to just inventive ideas to get your mind ticking. So kick back and let your senses run wild as we bring you 15 websites packed full of inspiration, 10 must-have books and 9 things to do to get inspired."
tutorial outpost: Pricing For Creative Projects
"Out of every design-related article and blog entry written over the past few years, very few have tackled the “taboo” topic of money — namely how much to charge for creative work. There are thousands of articles about CSS best practices but when it comes down to paying bills or putting food on the table, work-for-hire designers are on their own."
5THIRTYONE: Controlling multiple Macs, locally and remotely
"For anyone who owns more than one Apple computer, the thought of controlling two or more machines at the same time is surely something many people think of. Despite any previous assumptions you may have had, the steps necessary to control two or more Apple computers [at the same time] is quite simple and easily completed by anyone willing and able to follow a few simple directions. The challenge now is not a question of "How could I possibly setup and control multiple machines - for free?" Rather, the challenge is deciding whether or not you need 1) simple "local" control (main desktop + a secondary computer on the same desk), 2) remote access (control your desktop from the cafe or office), or 3) both. We’ll look at setting-up both local and remote access using two methods - both utilizing free - and secure (if applicable) - software."
Disk Inventory X (OS X, FREE!)
"Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for Mac OS X 10.3 (and later). It shows the sizes of files and folders in a special graphical way called "treemaps".
If you've ever wondered where all your disk space has gone, Disk Inventory X will help you to answer this question. "
lifehacker: Top 10 OS X Tweaks
"Mac OS X is a great operating system out of the box, but a few simple customizations can make it even better. OS X ships with some odd and sometimes inconvenient default settings, and it's got a few nifty little perks for power users who enable them, no third-party software required.
After the jump, check out our top 10 favorite Mac OS X tweaks for making your Mac experience even more personalized, customized and convenient."
shoutmouth: 40 Albums that Rolling Stone got wrong
"In celebration of Rolling Stone's 40th Anniversary, we've handpicked the 40 albums they got wrong. Each and every one of these gems deserved their greatest praise: 5 Stars.
To avoid confusion, here are a few pointers:"
Potion Panic (Flash game)
PC World: The 100 Best Products of 200
Seems a little early, but okay.
"Our editors rank the best PCs, HDTVs, components, sites, and services. Plus: the products we're looking forward to next year, and which technologies are rising and falling."
MB Web Design: Nightmare web design clients
"I was recently joking with Martin Bean (a friend, fellow web designer and founder of MCB Studios) about a couple of silly web design enquiries I’ve received over the past few days. Between us, we realised, we had quite a number of such stories and quotes to share with you, here are 10 of the best (or worst!) ones.
#10 - “I have an idea for a website which could by the next eBay and I need a web design partner…”"
Happy Brain Storming: How to improve your voice and speech - Voice Coaching
"One of my friends is really good looking and very fashion savvy. He knows how to match the colors of his trousers with his shirt, and he knows how to make his hair look really good. Most girls that meet him, they consider him a visual candy.
We went out the other day and we were sitting at a bar drinking our beer nicely, nicely. Two pretty girls, around 25 years old, were sitting next to us. They kept throwing quick glances at my friend and one of them was even holding her eye contact. At some point, maybe because of the beer, maybe because I pushed him to, he decided to go and speak to them. I was sitting back, drinking my beer and watching the whole interaction take place."
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
RIAA Radar Charts: RIAA Radar Indie 100
" RIAA Radar Charts: RIAA Radar Indie 100
The 100 highest-selling albums on that are RIAA-safe. Updated every day."
Google Trends:
"MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Google Inc. is going to start sharing more insights about what's on its users' minds by showing a daily list of the 100 hottest topics on its Internet-leading search engine.
The new rankings will be unveiled late Monday in an upgrade of Google's "trends" service. The breakdown will consist of the fastest-rising search requests on any given day."
Monday, May 21, 2007
elogodesign: Top 50 logo design tutorials
"This is E Logo Design's list of best logo design tutorials on the internet (in no particular order).
We welcome any suggestions you may have."
tabbed navigation using css
"Hello, fellow web designer! This tutorial will teach you how to create low-bandwidth tab navigation on a web page using CSS. As an extra bonus you'll also learn how to switch tabs without loading the page more than once.
Throughout the tutorial, I try to explain most of the things I am showing you, at a somewhat basic level. I have left some things out on purpose, because I assume you can figure them out on your own (for example that the CSS property border-color: #4488ff;
will change the color of the border to #4488ff
[and again, I am assuming you know how an RGB color in hexadecimal works])."
smashing magazine: 60 Elegant and Visually Appealling Designs
We’ve selected some of them. In an overview below you’ll find 60 fresh, elegant, professional and visually appealling designs, which pay close attention to details and manage to remain simple, user-friendly and nice-looking."
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Bagunk Blog: Top 10 things to do with your Wii while you’re waiting for AAA games.
"Well, it’s been about 6 months since the Wii’s launch. I’ve already played through the few AAA games that have been released, and now the Wii’s been getting a little stale. There are a ton of great games in the pipeline, but those aren’t coming for a few months. What am I going to do with my system until that time comes?"
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tutorial Blog: 25 Code Snippets for Web Designers (Part 5)
"Part 5 of the code snippets series sees us take a look at more handy pieces of html, css, javascript and other usefull things to a web designer …"
Google Expiremental Search
" Google is always experimenting with new features aimed at improving the search experience. Take them for a spin, and let us know what you think."
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
worsethanfailure: Job Interview 2.0: Now With Riddles! (Microsoft)
"Some years ago, someone at Microsoft noticed that they were having a bit of a Resources problem. A Human Resources problem to be specific. There were a whole lot of job openings (thousands, in fact) and a whole lot of applications (hundreds of thousands, in fact), and no easy way to match the right applicants with the right jobs. So they decided to reinvent the Job Interview.
Traditionally, job interviews are used to ascertain two things: how competent the candidate is and how well his personality (or lack thereof) will fit in with the organization. With their introduction of Job Interview 2.0, Microsoft included both of those features and added one additional: how the candidate responds when presented with asinine, utterly pointless, and completely ridiculous brainteaser questions."
search engine land: Google 2.0: Google Universal Search
"Google is undertaking the most radical change to its search results ever, introducing a "Universal Search" system that will blend listings from its news, video, images, local and book search engines among those it gathers from crawling web pages.
The new system officially rolls out today for anyone using and searching in English. Not everyone will see it at first, but over the course of the next several days, Universal Search should be more, well, universal."
Listutorial: Simple tutorials on css-based lists
"Listutorial takes you through the basics of building background image lists, rollover lists, nested lists and horizontal lists."
Smugblog: Speed Matters
"As subscribers to my blog have probably already guessed, we spend an inordinate amount of time at SmugMug trying to optimize for speed. As a media-heavy website, that’s a difficult thing to do and there are a lot of pieces. A typical gallery page at SmugMug contains 16 photos (though may contain thousands), plus all of the other graphic elements on the page, JavaScript includes (we use lots of JS), CSS includes, and the page HTML itself."
Particletree: Rediscovering the Button Element
"Creating a consistent interface for your users is a constant struggle for every interface designer. Building consistency on the web is especially tough because the visual rendering differences across browsers and operating systems is wildly different and almost arbitrary in what can and cannot be done. No where does this become more apparent than when you’re dealing with form elements and the biggest loser of them all in the battle for a standardized look is the infamous Submit button."
The Omni Mouth: OmniFocus pre-release: early birds get the bugs
"Boy, I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to writing a blog post that mentions OmniFocus but doesn’t include yet another wishy-washy (and ultimately inaccurate) guess at a beta timeframe.
Folks, we are unleashing OmniFocus into the wild TODAY, starting with a subset of the OmniFocus mailing list. We aren’t seeding the whole list yet because among other things we want to make sure our password system doesn’t explode, sending database shrapnel all over our office, but if you’re on the list you’ll eventually receive an email from us with the information you need to access the beta."
Simply Google
All of the Google search options on a single (kinda large) page
zen habits: Massive GTD resource list
"My tribute to all the GTD junkies out there (a group that includes me) — a massive list of GTD stuff. It’s far from comprehensive, but who can be comprehensive on a topic this huge?"
MacUser: Breaking down 52 ways to speed up your Mac
" It looks like I may have to make debunking Mac speed tips a regular feature. I already criticized a list of 11 things, finding a large portion that were really not helping. With a list of 52, I’m going to be doing a lot of typing. Follow me down the extended section for the smackdown."
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
ririan project:
"Can’t sleep? You may have tried medication. You know you have to stay away from bad guys like caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. And you’ve probably heard it’s not wise to exercise too vigorously or eat too big a meal a couple of hours before bedtime. Perhaps you’ve even tried to stick to a regular sleep-wake schedule. Still have problems getting a sound sleep? Try these snooze tips you may not have heard before."
Mashable: 16 Awesome Data Visualization Tools
"From navigating the Web in entirely new ways to seeing where in the world twitters are coming from, data visualization tools are changing the way we view content. We found the following 16 apps both visually stunning and delightfully useful."
Mashable: 16 IM startups
"Kevin Rose is said to be working on an IM or communications tool for his next startup. The details are sketchy, but Rose has mentioned in the past that he’d like to improve conventional IM with tagging and “degrees of separation”. Assuming Rose is launching something IM-related, he’ll be entering a very crowded market. Here are 19 services he’ll need to beat…"
Bibme: The fully automatic and totally free bibliography builder
"Welcome to BibMe! The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It's the quickest way to build a works cited page. And it's free.
![]() | Search for a book, article, website, or film from our database, or enter the information yourself. |
![]() | Add it to your bibliography. |
![]() | Download your bibliography in either the MLA, APA, or Chicago formats and include it in your paper." |
Calwineries: Optimize your Buzz: How to Stay Where you Want to be
"Most people drink alcohol because it makes them feel good. But that's true only up to a certain point, after which alcohol makes you feel worse, then bad, then sick, then…well…dead."
Read/Write Web: Understanding Apollo
"During my recent visit to the US, I popped into the Adobe office in San Francisco to find out more about Apollo


Google 10 Commandments
"Our Philosophy
Never settle for the best
"The perfect search engine," says Google co-founder Larry Page, "would understand exactly what you mean and give back exactly what you want." Given the state of search technology today, that's a far-reaching vision requiring research, development and innovation to realize. Google is committed to blazing that trail. Though acknowledged as the world's leading search technology company, Google's goal is to provide a much higher level of service to all those who seek information, whether they're at a desk in Boston, driving through Bonn, or strolling in Bangkok.
To that end, Google has persistently pursued innovation and pushed the limits of existing technology to provide a fast, accurate and easy-to-use search service that can be accessed from anywhere. To fully understand Google, it's helpful to understand all the ways in which the company has helped to redefine how individuals, businesses and technologists view the Internet."
Derek Powazek: The Real Story of JPG Magazine
"If there’s one thing I’ve learned about community-building, it’s this: Do Not Lie. People are too smart and well-connected to believe a lie anymore. So, with that in mind, the story I’m about to tell is absolutely true as I experienced it."
Monday, May 14, 2007
imafish: 52 Ways to Speed Up OS X
"After Apple recently announced a delay to OS X 10.5 Leopard I had to delay my iMac upgrade until the Autumn. This led me to thinking about how to speed up Tiger to get the most out of my ageing G5.
This is what I came up with:
General System
1. Repair Disk Permissions
Navigate to Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility. Select your Macintosh HD and select Verify Disk Permissions. If needed you can then Repair Disk Permissions.
2. Clear out login items
Its good to check that unwanted programs are not starting up when you login to your Mac. This can be done from System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items."
macrabbit: VLC Makeover Kit
"VLC Icon Overhaul
This complete icon set will update your cone-based VLC with sleek black document icons and a shiny new application icon. Download the Makeover Kit now!"
bartleme design: Mac Applications Starter Kit
"Since the latest release of Apple products, including updated iBooks and the all new Mac mini, many of my friends, colleagues and as far as I can tell from the some comments or forum entries, also some of you have recently switched to a Mac."
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Big Spanish Castle: An optical illusion
Stare at the dot for 30 seconds. Then, without moving your eyes, move the mouse over the image.
The image will look like it's in color until you move your eyes.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Quicksilver tutorial and screencast roundup
"I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful Quicksilver really is. Nor can I adequately describe exactly what it is. But I will say this - if you own a Mac - download and install Quicksilver right now, then start watching a few of these screencasts and/or read a few of the tutorials. It won’t take long for you to wonder how you survived without it."
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Smashing Magazine: 70 Expert Ideas For Better CSS Co
"CSS isn’t always easy to deal with. Depending on your skills and your experience, CSS coding can sometimes become a nightmare, particularly if you aren’t sure which selectors are actually being applied to document elements. An easy way to minimize the complexity of the code is as useful as not-so-well-known CSS attributes and properties you can use to create a semantically correct markup."
red hat: Liberation Fonts
"In the article I wrote for the On The Docket column in the March 2007 issue of Linux Magazine, I discussed various legal issues that are impeding the adoption of Linux on the desktop. One of those issues is the ubiquity of the proprietary Microsoft fonts - Times New Roman®, Arial® and Courier New®. Use of these proprietary fonts presents a barrier to truly open documents in that Microsoft will not license others to redistribute these fonts. In that same article, I also suggested that this problem was solvable by the development of a set of fonts that are the metric equivalents of the Microsoft fonts, i.e., the fonts assume the identical horizontal spacing as the Microsoft fonts such that, when substituted for the Microsoft fonts, a line of text is identically displayed. To date the Linux desktop has not had access to such metrically equivalent fonts under an open source license. Today, that changes."
43 Folders: Nocturne: Free “night vision” app from the maker of Quicksilver
"Fans of working in troglodyte mode should have a look at A1c0r’s latest creation, Nocturne, an application that generates a “night vision mode” for your Mac — similar to looking at a negative of a photo.
For years, you’ve been able to do something similar by hitting “ctrl-opt-cmd-8
,” which invokes “Switch to black-on-white” in Universal Access options (go ahead and try it, then hit it again to return to normal)."
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
BBC News: Helvetica at 50
"The Helvetica font is celebrating its 50th birthday. You've probably seen it a thousand times today. Why?
At this moment in boardrooms across the globe, captains of industry are leafing through sheet after sheet of typefaces. There are hundreds of choices, but many of these movers and shakers don't take a lot of leafing before plumping for Helvetica."
Vitamin: The Standards Way to Do Dynamic Data
"Designer Sean Madden cooks up an example of presenting dynamic data graphically using XHTML, CSS and a dash of JavaScript - no Flash required
Somewhere in between presenting static information graphics and complex, interactive data dashboards there’s a need for a way to visualize moderately dynamic data on the web. Oftentimes the solutions you see implemented are clunky, for example, manually creating multiple frames of various data points and uploading them by hand. These methods scale poorly and try even the most patient."
mashable: Turn Netvibes into Your Personal Office
"Netvibes, the popular personalized portal, works great as an RSS reader, but if you’re using it only for this purpose, you’re missing out. With the huge number of available modules, you can use it to increase your productivity or even do serious work. Create a new tab, slap on the following Netvibes modules, and you’ve got yourself a lightweight and always available online office environment."
The Character and Creature Modeler at Epic Games discusses his career and introduces the team.
"Kevin Lanning started creating art at a very early age drawing and sculpting. He received a half-ride scholarship at the Art Institute of Dallas graduating with a Degree in Computer Animation. Thanks to online exposure Kevin received commission work including character art for several commercials." Replace Windows Explorer with Xplorer2
"Let's face it: for advanced file manipulation, Windows File Explorer stinks. But like Firefox is a must-have replacement for Internet Explorer, a file manager called Xplorer2 blows Windows Explorer out of the water for anyone who browses multiple folders, copies, pastes, moves and searches the PC filesystem frequently.
Using Xplorer2's tabbed, dual pane interface, keyboard shortcuts and killer advanced features, you're in total control of your PC's files. Let's take a look." Advanced WYSIWYG in Wordpress 2.1
"If you’re a Wordpress user, and have the slightest grasp of HTML, then at some point in your blogging life you’re sure to have flung an insult at the built-in WYSIWYG editor that comes with Wordpress. While it suffices to accomplish the most minor formatting tasks, like bold, italics, and
Joe Dolson: A Redesign Isn’t About Design
"As often as not, when I’m confronted with a redesign project, the reason behind it is “I’m tired of this look” or “this just doesn’t look modern.” Well, that’s fine. After all, if you redesign your website, the reason for it IS certainly closely tied to the way it looks. However, in my mind, just changing the appearance of a site is not sufficient reason to do that kind of work."
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The Wall Street Journal: You're a Nobody Unless Your Name Googles Well
"Before Abigail Garvey got married in 2000, anyone could easily Google her. Then she swapped her maiden name for her husband's last name, Wilson, and dropped out of sight."
"Hello First Timer
and welcome to Deskload, an online desktop-like bookmark organizer.
We are giving you a chance to sort your favorite links just like you sort icons on your desktop.
Sign up, create multiple deskloads, edit and store your bookmarks in real time
and access your deskloads from anywhere.
Use small black arrow in the top left to get started." CSS Dock Menu
"If you are a big Mac fan, you will love this CSS dock menu that I designed. It is using Jquery Javascript library and Fisheye component from Interface and some of my icons. It comes with two dock styles - top and bottom. This CSS dock menu is perfert to add on to my iTheme. Here I will show you how to implement it to your web page."
Marketing Pilgrim: First Look - Google Analytics Launches New Interface and Reporting
"Since Google acquired Urchin’s popular web analytics technology in 2005, re-branding as Google Analytics, the service has become a popular choice among marketers looking to understand their web site’s traffic. While Google Analytics has had a few minor new features added since then, its success has come mostly from the fact that it’s absolutely free! It’s hard to gripe about the lack of certain features, when you don’t pay a penny for Google Analytics’ already extensive reporting."
Mashable: Face Off: Windows Live Hotmail vs. Gmail
"With today’s announcement that Microsoft is officially launching Windows Live Hotmail, we thought it would be a good opportunity to compare it to our current webmail favorite - Gmail. Here is a breakdown of the main areas of each service and how they compare:"
creativebits: cool business card designs
"You want a new business card, don't you? Of course. This is the most important element of your visual identity. It's the first thing people see when they meet you.
Here is a collection of cool business cards to inspire you. Most of them are from the Business Cards flickr pool, some of them from Ads of the World."
Technology Review: The Secret of Apple Design
"Apple, Inc. has made an art of not talking about its products. Fans, journalists, and rumormongers who love it or love to hate it have long had to practice a sort of Kremlinology to gather the merest hints as to what is coming next out of Cupertino.
A case in point is this story, which was to be about the iPhone--about how an innovative and gorgeous piece of technology was conceived, designed, and produced by the vaunted industrial-design team at Apple. Along the way, it would address the larger question of how one company can so consistently excel at making products that become icons, win design awards, and inspire customers."
problogger: 9 Attitudes of Highly Creative People
"Yesterday I looked at 5 methods for being creative. Today I’d like to look at some attitudes to build into your approach if you want to be a more creative person:" Simple Productivity: 10 Ways to Do More by Focusing on the Essentials
"These days our lives are busier than ever. We work more than ever. We are more stressed and exhausted than ever before. And yet we get less done and are not as happy.
It doesn’t have to be that way."
Mozilla CEO speaks out on future of Firefox
"According to Mozilla Foundation CEO Mitchell Baker, Firefox is just at the beginning of its life cycle. In this one-on-one interview with, she talks about where Firefox came from and where it’s going.
The interview's over 8,000 words long, so we've broken it up into sections to make it easier to navigate."
Monday, May 7, 2007
How to make sexy buttons with CSS
" This tutorial will teach you how to create pretty looking textual buttons (with alternate pressed state) using CSS. Dynamic buttons save you heaps of time otherwise spent creating graphics and will basically make you a happier person at the end of the day. Here's what you'll get:" Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles - Free Download
"Photoshop Layer Styles are the easiest way to speed up the design process. I found that my previous article - Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients v3.0 was a lot helpful to many.
Coming to the Layer Styles, I found a lot of styles on the Web to download but none of them were of the today’s trend of Web 2.0. So here is a set of 131 Photoshop Layer Styles I created in .ASL ( Photoshop Layer Style ) format.
As explained in the below image, I feel this set of Layer Styles could be the fastest way to create Web Elements like Buttons, headers, Content Backgrounds and a lot other stuff…
Feel free to use these cool set of Layer Styles anywhere but please don’t forget to share this link too…"
Sunday, May 6, 2007
when penguins attack: Top 5 javascript frameworks
"a list of the top 5 javascript frameworks and features."
WordPress plugin: Automattic Stats
"There are hundreds of plugins and services which can provide statistics about your visitors. However I found that even though something like Google Analytics provides an incredible depth of information, it can be overwhelming and doesn't really highlight what's most interesting to me as a writer. That's why Automattic created its own stats system, to focus on just the most popular metrics a blogger wants to track and provide them in a clear and concise interface." What does $456 billion buy?
"While there is some disagreement on the idea of troop deadlines for US soldiers in Iraq, all sides seem to be on board with the amount included in the bill to fund the war.
Including the $124.2 billion bill, the total cost of the Iraq war may reach $456 billion in September, according to the National Priorities Project, an organization that tracks public spending.
The amount got us wondering: What would $456 billion buy?"
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Al's Dilbert Page -- a whole career of Dilbert
"This page is automatically updated every morning by a cron-job which has been running since summer 1996, i.e. the beginning of my professional career. You may need to click refresh on the page or on the latest image. Click on the image below to go to the real Dilbert web site, or on the links below to see local copies of archived strips. Sunday strips are in full color and marked with [S]."
Designirific: How I (color blind person) see the world!
"A lot of people were asking me "so, what do you see!!". This post is to make you understand what exactly I see. Well, after 27 years I discovered that I see the world in a different way than others, and I am a successful web designer, my color schemes are always bright and nice (what people say to me)"
"XOOPS is an extensible, OO (Object Oriented), easy to use dynamic web content management system written in PHP. XOOPS is the ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more. Read the All about XOOPS page for more details.
If you are looking for XOOPS support in your own language, check out the list of International XOOPS Support websites!"
TutorialBlog: 25 Code Snippets for Web Designers (Part4)
"Today we have part 4 of our series on handy code snippets where we round up CSS, html and Ajax techniques, these are usefull resources for web designers so get them bookmarked! If you missed them, also check out part one , part two and part three."
Friday, May 4, 2007
Google: Tech Talk Showcase
" Google TechTalks are designed to disseminate a wide spectrum of views on topics including Current Affairs, Science, Medicine, Engineering, Business, Humanities, Law, Entertainment, and the Arts."
Microformats: What They Are and How To Use Them
"Web 2.0 has its positive and its negative sides. Apart from tremendous technological improvements, provided by Ajax, semantically organized content and the growing popularity of RSS-Feeds, the term “Web 2.0″ still hadn’t managed to assert itself as the renewed Web rather than a new revolutionary technology as it is mistakenly being called." Visualizations
"I started with this question as it has been something that's very interesting to me. About a year and a half ago I joined the service, which serves many functions but most specifically logs all music that you listen to in real time. This creates a great amount of interesting statistics. Including top artist rankings averaged over the past week.
This is all very interesting briefly, however only provides a few mediocre methods of visualizing this vast amount of rich information.
The significant missing dimension of the visualizations is time. You can see an average over a time, but cannot see how listening habits change over time, perhaps the most interesting view into the information."
Daily Kos: Blackwater: The Extreme-Right Mega-Millionaire Mercenary
"Since the U.S.'s invasion into Iraq and Afghanistan, many American lives have changed. So many lives lost in a fight that is viewed by most of the country and world as unjust. So many families shattered, so many bright futures tragically cut short.
For one man, the War of Bush/Cheney/Haliburton Oil was his golden ticket to massive wealth and an extraordinary level of influence and menacing power. Meet Erik Prince, born and raised in Holland, Michigan, and one of the country's most dangerous men."
Gmail Super Clean (CSS styling through Greasemonkey on Firefox)
"Gmail is an amazing email service, its by far the best email service that I’ve come across. The only thing I’m not happy about Gmail is the way it looks. Google guys have done beautiful stuff like Picasa, but Gmail has remained pretty much the same. So, I made “Gmail Super Clean” a simple little skin for Gmail, using Greasemonkey."
copyblogger: Become a Master of Metaphor and Multiply Your Blogging Effectiveness
"Aristotle and countless other masterful communicators have harnessed the power of metaphor to effectively persuade and inform. Metaphors allow you to make the complex simple and the controversial palatable. Conversely, metaphors allow you to create extraordinary meaning out of the seemingly mundane."
Smarty: PHP Templating Engine
" One of Smartys primary design goals is to facilitate the separation of application code from presentation. Typically, the application code contains the business logic of your application, written and maintained in PHP code. This code is maintained by programmers. The presentation is the way your content is presented to the end user, which is written and maintained in template files. The templates are maintained by template designers."
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Ambigrams, Logos, Word Art
"Ambigrams. Logos. Words as art. As both an artist and a graphic designer, I specialize in the visual presentation of words. Language, philosophy, and science are interwoven into the design of words, which are manipulated to create surprising illusions. This unique approach culminates in a wide variety of corporate logos, and in ambigrams– words that can be read equally well from more than one point of view. Most of my ambigrams read the same when turned "upside down," or rotated 180 degrees. If you were to climb up on your desk, walk around behind your monitor and lean way over so you could see the screen, you'd be able to read Wordplay” and my “JohnLangdon” logo just as easily as you could sitting in your chair."
GammaSlamma 1.1 Update Now Available
"Thanks to a small code example emailed to me by Ben Marini, I have been able to update GammaSlamma to 1.1. Hurrah! The application now supports batch ’slamming’. Find out more about GammaSlamma by reading the original posting on my blog. Download update here. Hope that saves you a few clicks."
"Over the past year or so I have been using PNG files more and more. For those that don’t know, PNG was created as a successor to GIF. The file format supports more colours, more compression options, and most importantly a full alpha channel for transparency. Sounds great huh? Well, technically yes, but I have found PNG files suffer from a problem of colour reproduction in different browsers which can cause real headaches. At this point I suggest you read Henri Sivonen’s wonderful article entitled The Sad Story of PNG Gamma. Previously the only option was to use a Win32/Unix package called PNGCRUSH to remove this pesky Gamma information, but doing so on the Mac involves installing systems like Fink or Darwinports and running scripts in the command line. (Personally that scares the crap out of me, and I am sure others like me who like to pretend all that complicated stuff running underneath my pretty OSX interface doesn’t exist…). So rejoice, there a new solution in town and it’s gui-a-gogo!"
"WriteMaps is a free web-based tool that allows you to create, edit, and share sitemaps online. As a WriteMaps user, you and your team will be able to build and access your sitemaps from anywhere, without having to rely on proprietary desktop apps and static files. To get started, take the tour or sign-up for an account!"
xPad. The Ultimate Notepad.
"xPad is the ultimate notepad, TextEdit and Stickies replacement for Apple's OS X. With a simple, easy-to-use interface and powerful multi-document features, xPad will quickly become your daily text editor of choice."
Smashing Magazine: 53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without
"CSS is important. And it is being used more and more often. Cascading Style Sheets offer many advantages you don’t have in table-layouts - and first of all a strict separation between layout, or design of the page, and the information, presented on the page. Thus the design of pages can be easily changed, just replacing a css-file with another one. Isn’t it great? Well, actualy, it is."
Google Blog: Authors@Google
"For over the past year, we've invited some of the most prominent and promising thinkers, artists, leaders, and personalities of our time to give talks and have discussions at Google about their recently published books. We call the series Authors@Google, and we've posted videos of many of our events online. And now, the program has grown out of our Mountain View headquarters to include seven U.S. offices as well as our London and Dublin offices.
In addition, we've just added our most important location yet: an online home at with a video archive of our events on YouTube. Just this year, we've hosted a great variety of authors, including Martin Amis, Strobe Talbott, Bob & Lee Woodruff, Jonathan Lethem, Don Tapscott, Senator Hillary Clinton, and Carly Fiorina. The subjects of their talks range from literary fiction to science fiction, sociology to technology, politics to business."
Ice Cream for Everyone: Does Good Design Really Matter?
"Because it’s so hard to measure the business value of good design, it naturally gets less attention from managers. It’s easier to watch things like visitors to a website, sales per day, rent and other costs.
Recently we got a chance to see how much it matters when we rolled out a redesign for our Freedback service. Here are some of the changes we made:"
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Eric Meyer: Reset reloaded
"After a bit of time to bake and a few more suggestions from readers, I have what I’m willing to call the final version of my take on the topic of reset styles. To wit:"
33 rules to boost productivity
"Heuristics are rules intended to help you solve problems. When a problem is large or complex, and the optimal solution is unclear, applying a heuristic allows you to begin making progress towards a solution even though you can’t visualize the entire path from your starting point.
Suppose your goal is to climb to the peak of a mountain, but there’s no trail to follow. An example of a heuristic would be: Head directly towards the peak until you reach an obstacle you can’t cross. Whenever you reach such an obstacle, follow it around to the right until you’re able to head towards the peak once again. This isn’t the most intelligent or comprehensive heuristic, but in many cases it will work just fine, and you’ll eventually reach the peak."
Web Form Factory
"You've spent hours designing and implementing your form in PhotoShop, Illustrator, ImageReady, FreeHand, FireWorks, DreamWeaver (etc.) and it's shiny and looks gorgeous.
But unless you send it to a developer or learn PHP, it will remain useless forever.
Don't worry. WFF is here.
Web Form Factory is an open source web form generator which automatically generates the necessary backend code to tie your form to a database. By generating the backend code for you, WFF saves you time... time you could spend doing more interesting stuff."
Turbocharged: Weathering heavy traffic with WordPress and Turbocharged
"Everyone’s been there at least once. One of your blog pages gets dugg or slashdotted. What to do?
WordPress is often maligned as a resource-hungry blog platform — one that requires a lot of resources to run in high-traffic settings. But believe it or not, it’s possible to survive traffic spikes, while still serving pages to your audience swiftly. And you won’t need big iron to do it."