Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Esquire: The Five Most Pwned Newscasters

"The Germans have a word for it: Schadenfreude, which literally translates to “Fuck you,” the etymology stemming from a nasty feud between the German bourgeoisie and the peasantry over whether or not Goethe’s Faustus was a comedy or a dramatic memoir. Anyway, what it means is that people love to see bad things happen to other people. It’s a relatively simple platitude of human nature: Watching others suffer means you’re not suffering. It’s the reason Tom Brady always has that smile on his face that says, “Yeah, yeah, I’m sure your life is pretty cool, too.”

Throw in the element of surprise, and it’s a surefire recipe for success. Newscasts are a medium tailor-made for real-time hilarity. Men and women so composed, so intent on pursuing the noble goal of reporting the events of the world, convincing themselves every night that it is important for the public to know about the upcoming apple-picking season, and it does matter that delicious fiber-rich desserts can have half the calories and fat of traditional cookies and cakes, so in the zone that the smallest derivation from the script is magnified tenfold. These videos? Try one thousand fold."

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